Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bereku on the move

Bereku mean for my nephew.It's a Batak Language. Batak is a race from Indonesia that mostly live in north sumatra.
My nephew is Valeno,he is just only 2 years old boy.A cute boy that always smile here on Batam :p

this film was Neopan SS 100 expired 2009

this photos was using Lucky SHD 100 expired 2008

all picture taken used
Fujica ST801 with EBC Fujinon 50mm F1.8

developing used Micro MF and fixer was Acifix
15" developing agitation 2" and 15sec every minute till the end
Fixing was 20 minute with the same agitation :)


  1. eeehhhh ,..
    si adek :))

    ajarin foto2 lh bg , .. :))

  2. ayo,dateng aja kerumah.pilih kameranya :p beli film sendiri tapi,wkwk :p


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